Friday, April 9, 2010

The More, The More..

Nuff said

More than One...

Well, the biggest mistake that candidates can make is having only one. Keeping your resume to only one page when their history and skills can command two or three pages, and having only one version of the resume.

Look if you have a lot of skill sets and have multiple years using them, then don't just summarize and send to the company. Now this is a slippery slope. You don't want to add too much, but you don't want to not add the right things. What you do is find out what the job you are applying to is asking for and make sure the needed skills are high lighted, talked about, and detailed in your resume (as long as you have the skill-set). I am not saying be dishonest on your resume, I am saying make dang sure the person reading your resume, which is usually an HR person who is only looking for key words, can tell right away why you are a great fit for the role.

HR doesn't care that you have six years of project management skills when the role you are applying to is a Sr. BA and nowhere on the posting does is say, "Must have PM skills". Plus HR is not big on reading all the way through resumes.

Bottom line. Match up your resume to what the posting is asking for, and then detail, highlight, and make sure the skills are toward the top of the resume.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Helping the Hiring Manager

I love real world scenarios, so what I am about to tell you is true, only the names have been changed to maintain confidentiality.

When trying to fill a managers need it is vital to gather his job description. No not the HR one either. Actually you can gather the HR one, to find out who your competition is because you know they only copied, pasted and posted the HR job description on the job boards.

You need to get the manager on the phone and gather the in depth details. Find out what part of the position can the manager not live with out. Get at least 3 to 6 things. Then find out what is great about working for this manager. Find out what he looks for personalty wise, and find out why he likes working for his company. Don't forget to ask what date he needs this person by, and no ASAP, or yesterday is not a date. Get interviews times, yes see if you can take the liberty of setting up interviews for a predetermined time.

Lastly, don't forget money. I could have an entire discussion about hourly bill rate and salary expectations. Bottom line is find out what is budgeted and ensure the manager has approval.

Now once you find everything the manager says he needs, be sure to get as hands on as she will allow. Try and be conferenced in on telephone screens, and try to sit in on in person interviews. Do everything possible to learn the intricacies of the entire opportunity. You are doing this to save everyone time.

In closing doing more will allow you to do less in the long run, and you should fill this managers need so he can get back to production.

Thank you and come again...

Monday, April 5, 2010

It's Monday!! I am the master of my fate / I am the captain of my soul.

Well Monday after a long weekend is upon us and are you motivated to go out on Monster and Dice to find your candidates? I hope not!

Today odds are that your competitors are dragging into work thinking to themselves, how short the 2.5 day Easter weekend was too short. Well if that is the case odds are your potential candidates are too and prime for the recruiting.

My number one suggestion here is to go into your database pull up a list of people you have already found (no matter about skills, because if you found them to begin with they should have some solid skills) and just start dialing.

Yes your database, your applicant tracking system, your book of business cards, hell your Excel spreadsheet, I don't care the only important thing to do is dial, speak clearly, leave great messages and be ready to pounce when they pick up the phone.

With the way candidates are feeling today they will love for you to take five minutes of their time and find out what type of opportunity they are open to hearing about if it was far better than what they are doing now.

Hell the way they feel this morning, any grass is greener.

Nelson Mandela:
I thank whatever gods may be / For my unconquerable soul. / I am the master of my fate / I am the captain of my soul

Friday, December 11, 2009

Well It Is December Now

Well it has been a long while and I have no reason for it. I have been pretty busy placing some non traditional I.T. openings. Since June I had one bad month but pretty solid last quarter. I am going to be #1 producing recruiter for my entire company again. I was blessed enough to go to Vegas for the first time ever and gave a presentation. Overall it was a solid year.

I love this industry and feel blessed to be part of it, and hope everyone has a great 2010!

Friday, June 19, 2009

It's been a while...

It has been a while since my last post and let me bring everyone up to speed.

First, I have been staying busy for the most part, and have a few deals the last 3 months. I am not use to just a few deals, but I do feel blessed to have closed a few.

I have also been listening to a whole sleuth of people talking about social networking and firmly believe most of these people are nuts. If you are just now getting into the social media game, then you should stay out of it.

Enjoy everyone and have a great weekend!!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Staying Busy

Sorry it has been a little while since I posted. I have been very busy. Juggling long hours of recruiting and family.

Structuring your day from what I understand is vital, and in my field it is. Having blocks of time scheduled to outbound dial is how you keep your book of candidates top notch. Follow up with you past candidates and keep looking forward. The best piece of advise I ever got was to recruit on skills not position.

Now that you are set up for the day, be sure you keep the volume high, but make sure it is quality volume. Just because you sub eight people in one week, that does not mean you are doing your job. If only 1 person gets an interview then... well you know. On the other hand, if you sub only 4 people and 3 of them get an interview then that is quality.

At the end of the day however it is starts!!! Focus on quality opening, no matter what management says, and focus on quality skills, and that should be the path to more money.

"And that is the rest of the story"

RIP Paul Harvey