Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Helping the Hiring Manager

I love real world scenarios, so what I am about to tell you is true, only the names have been changed to maintain confidentiality.

When trying to fill a managers need it is vital to gather his job description. No not the HR one either. Actually you can gather the HR one, to find out who your competition is because you know they only copied, pasted and posted the HR job description on the job boards.

You need to get the manager on the phone and gather the in depth details. Find out what part of the position can the manager not live with out. Get at least 3 to 6 things. Then find out what is great about working for this manager. Find out what he looks for personalty wise, and find out why he likes working for his company. Don't forget to ask what date he needs this person by, and no ASAP, or yesterday is not a date. Get interviews times, yes see if you can take the liberty of setting up interviews for a predetermined time.

Lastly, don't forget money. I could have an entire discussion about hourly bill rate and salary expectations. Bottom line is find out what is budgeted and ensure the manager has approval.

Now once you find everything the manager says he needs, be sure to get as hands on as she will allow. Try and be conferenced in on telephone screens, and try to sit in on in person interviews. Do everything possible to learn the intricacies of the entire opportunity. You are doing this to save everyone time.

In closing doing more will allow you to do less in the long run, and you should fill this managers need so he can get back to production.

Thank you and come again...

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