Monday, April 5, 2010

It's Monday!! I am the master of my fate / I am the captain of my soul.

Well Monday after a long weekend is upon us and are you motivated to go out on Monster and Dice to find your candidates? I hope not!

Today odds are that your competitors are dragging into work thinking to themselves, how short the 2.5 day Easter weekend was too short. Well if that is the case odds are your potential candidates are too and prime for the recruiting.

My number one suggestion here is to go into your database pull up a list of people you have already found (no matter about skills, because if you found them to begin with they should have some solid skills) and just start dialing.

Yes your database, your applicant tracking system, your book of business cards, hell your Excel spreadsheet, I don't care the only important thing to do is dial, speak clearly, leave great messages and be ready to pounce when they pick up the phone.

With the way candidates are feeling today they will love for you to take five minutes of their time and find out what type of opportunity they are open to hearing about if it was far better than what they are doing now.

Hell the way they feel this morning, any grass is greener.

Nelson Mandela:
I thank whatever gods may be / For my unconquerable soul. / I am the master of my fate / I am the captain of my soul

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