Saturday, January 10, 2009

1st Week...

Happy New Year!!!

Well here we are in the first week of the new year and I have got to say... later 2008. We have gotten this week more to work on then the last 2 months combined. If the first week is going to be any indication on how 09 is going to be then cha ching.

I have a new situation that has come up for me I want mention. I have a manager who interviews practically everyone you send to him. After a week of him interviewing every single person, but one, we set a meeting with the team, and him. You see, he did two interviews each with our candidates (about five), and then he did not pull the trigger on any of them for vague reasons. During this meeting we asked him, "What is it that you are really looking for, what is it that these guys didn't have, what 4 or 5 traits and skills can you not live without"? His final answer to what he wants is, "I will know when I see it". He even said, "If you guys don't know to send the person or not, well just send them".

Now hear is my question... Good thing or bad thing?

Well I say bad. It takes a lot of time to set up interviews, do the prep, coordinate etc. If you have a client who is acting like this, I say it is cool to work on it, but don't make it a priority. This client could be taking away some precious time that could be spent on managers who know what they want and when.

“For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice.”
Little Gidding II

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