Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What's in for 09

Today is one day closer to 09 and I am here asking myself what is there in 09 to look forward to. Well for me, lots. I have solid base of contractors, and there should be no reason why I should not move up. I am getting excited to getting back to out working everyone.

I often think about what did I learn about 08 and it was to not take time for granted. I took some time to myself for the holiday season and I will be showing up Jan 5 2009 ready to get more submittals and interviews then anyone else in the company.

When mid-year hits I will be well on my way to the upper six figures. Meaning I will have $37,750 in commissions or .... My production will not slow, in fact it will increase.

Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.
"Warren Buffet"

Monday, December 15, 2008

Team Business

As in my earlier post, I mention that I work for a company that has recruiters, recruiting talent and sales people selling to our clients. I like that because it allows people to put 100% into what they love to do.

Now, as much as I hate to say it, I need a sales person who is as tenacious as me in order to make placements. Today I interviewed a potential team mate and she asked me what am I looking for in a sales person...

Well, I am looking for someone who won't quite until the the job is done. Someone who is honest and won't take no for an answer. I want someone who has commonsense, i.e. If a client does not see the value in our processes and only cares about resumes then we should just send resumes, not wait 2 days for our processes to be completed while our completion gets the fill. The person must be open to learning and knows the phone and technology is his or her money tools. Anything less go try and sell at a volume shop.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

To Recruit or not to Recruit

Deciding on what to work on is not always an easy decision. When I end my evening I decide on what I am going to work on the next day and I begin to build my call list... In this so called "economy", that may sound weird, "choosing what to work on", but in our line of work you always have a choice. I once read don't compete unless you have an competitive advantage. I completely agree with that and that is how I decide what to work on.

The way I see it, is that I do not see the competitive advantage with throwing all your heart, mind, and soul into a position that everyone, and yes I mean everyone in town is working on. See that is how I recruit, 100 miles an hour and with passion. I would rather work on a position that is a harder fill and in my core technology, than work on a simple position that every Tom, Dick and Harry is working on. Just because a manager says you can work on something does not always mean you should.

I am not afraid of competition, in fact I value it, but I feel my skills are not valued by a client if they just let any and everyone in town work on an open position. I am very good at what I do and when a client does not see my value then I will take my skills elsewhere; client and company.

"If you're good at something, never do it for free".

Friday, December 5, 2008

If You Like My Posts...


Is a very strong read too.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Controlling your own Destiny

The way I see it is that in our line of work we are recession proof, because if the economy goes down, there is a company where for them it is going up. Lets not become a victim of the "economy". If we want to continue to make great money we must just up our activity, and find those companies that actually do very well in a down economy. Companies that are in outplacement, companies that benefit from foreclosures and bankruptcies and companies who are leading the green initiatives. We must look at things in a different life...

Now with that said you must work with sales people that are complete animals and that love the hunt of a new sale. Not ones who like working with the same old clients and will do whatever the old client says. "Who cares about yesterday", tomorrow is what it is about. See, I work for a company that has recruiters and sales people and they must work hand in hand. I like that set up, unless your counterpart is stuck in his or her old ways. We deliver great candidates, have an awesome process, and take extreme pride in what we do, so why is OK to turn a req live when you had to trick the hiring manager to answer his phone. See my company is not the cheapest, so when a client is solely making decisions on price then we must move elsewhere or make the req 2nd or 3rd priority. If that kind of nonsense continually happens, say something, if nothing is done, time to take your talented butt elsewhere and make a killing with a company and teammates "who get it".

In closing control your future or someone else will (Jack Welch). Leave crappy business to crappy recruiters who sling resumes. I recruit I don't sling, and that is my final answer.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Aceing out the Competition

I truly believe that to be successful in the recruiting world you must have a strong passion to do the things no one will do. Like work from 8am-8pm, call into companies and find people who are not happy with their current position, and put in time on the weekends. That is what I do and have done since I started agency recruiting and in my first year I was the #1 recruiter for the entire company. Since then I have been either #1 or #2.

You must also have a burning desire to want to fill your client's (Company & Candidate) needs. Meaning a couple of things.

1. You must be able to sleep at night once you place a candidate at a client's site, meaning client is a solid place to work.

2. You must give you clients solid candidates and not only can do the job, but who actually want to work in the client's environment.

Because of my success at my current company I have been tasked with mentoring people and what I find is that other recruiters don't like my advise. They want a magic statement that will give them instant results, well there is no magic statement, line or pill. Bottom line is, if you want to beat me then you have better out work me, and that will never happen.

My first post. Diesal