Thursday, December 4, 2008

Controlling your own Destiny

The way I see it is that in our line of work we are recession proof, because if the economy goes down, there is a company where for them it is going up. Lets not become a victim of the "economy". If we want to continue to make great money we must just up our activity, and find those companies that actually do very well in a down economy. Companies that are in outplacement, companies that benefit from foreclosures and bankruptcies and companies who are leading the green initiatives. We must look at things in a different life...

Now with that said you must work with sales people that are complete animals and that love the hunt of a new sale. Not ones who like working with the same old clients and will do whatever the old client says. "Who cares about yesterday", tomorrow is what it is about. See, I work for a company that has recruiters and sales people and they must work hand in hand. I like that set up, unless your counterpart is stuck in his or her old ways. We deliver great candidates, have an awesome process, and take extreme pride in what we do, so why is OK to turn a req live when you had to trick the hiring manager to answer his phone. See my company is not the cheapest, so when a client is solely making decisions on price then we must move elsewhere or make the req 2nd or 3rd priority. If that kind of nonsense continually happens, say something, if nothing is done, time to take your talented butt elsewhere and make a killing with a company and teammates "who get it".

In closing control your future or someone else will (Jack Welch). Leave crappy business to crappy recruiters who sling resumes. I recruit I don't sling, and that is my final answer.


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