Monday, December 15, 2008

Team Business

As in my earlier post, I mention that I work for a company that has recruiters, recruiting talent and sales people selling to our clients. I like that because it allows people to put 100% into what they love to do.

Now, as much as I hate to say it, I need a sales person who is as tenacious as me in order to make placements. Today I interviewed a potential team mate and she asked me what am I looking for in a sales person...

Well, I am looking for someone who won't quite until the the job is done. Someone who is honest and won't take no for an answer. I want someone who has commonsense, i.e. If a client does not see the value in our processes and only cares about resumes then we should just send resumes, not wait 2 days for our processes to be completed while our completion gets the fill. The person must be open to learning and knows the phone and technology is his or her money tools. Anything less go try and sell at a volume shop.


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